Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Panties and Spankings

I must confess I have always loved wearing pretty panties! I am sorta anal about it actually...I love insist on wearing matching bras and panties whenever possible. It just makes me feel good to dress pretty underneath my clothes too...which brings me to my point:

Prior to spankings I had a large assortment of different panties but now that Mike sees them often due to spankings, the assortment has grown substantially. It's actually ridiculous!!! I can't stop buying panties...I have officially diagnosed myself with OPD!!! (obsessive panties disorder)

I wonder am I the only one? I just guess I kinda figure if my backside is going to be on display to him so much I might as well make it cute, right.

Sometimes he will comment if he likes them, sometimes he doesn't say a word and will just continue on with his task at hand.

If I see a style that I like I tend to buy one in every color. (seriously)

My latest collection came from Walmart and I just absolutely love these...so does Mike

Perfect for the 4th of July huh?
They come in every possible color...plain denim, purple, pink, you name it...and yes, I have them all!!!

I found these today online and I think they are adorable too...

What can I say...I'm just a girl who loves cute panties!



  1. Hi Mandy,

    Welcome to the neighborhood!

    I too own more panties than any woman could possibly justify. As you say, they play a role (and sometimes provide inspiration) in our spankings.

    An interesting difference is that my husband, Randy, loves to buy pretty panties and then have me model them for him. I am only too happy to oblige because our modeling sessions always lead to a fun spanking and lovemaking.

    Needless to say, I have a lot of panties. They don't even fit in one drawer any longer. When I want to surprise him, I have plenty of choices!

    Best wishes with your new blog!


  2. I do love my VS and I am also like my underwear to match. As far as buying lots and lots? nope, H would have a fit and they'd spend more time around my ankles than covering my bottom.


  3. Mandy I whole hearterly agree with you panties, knickers or bloomer's as one might call these sexual feminine undergarments, have always been associated with spankings. And I don's think you have a 'disorder' at all. In fact I think many 'spanko's would agree that the two have always gone together, with pleasure.

  4. Those are some seriously shiny panties!
